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The Waste Collector App

4.8 ( 9168 ratings )
Desenvolvedor: Stuart Goulden

The collector app registration process to register with the waste app is quick and easy, to register you must have the following:

Waste carrier number
Public liability insurance
Proof of address
Utility bill
Bank statement
Ltd company name
Address of directors
Company number
Major shareholders

Waste/rubbish removal is your main business disposal site information (licence numbers & addresses) for waste trail vat number (if applicable) now how to register, to use the waste app.

Download the waste app on the app store. The waste app will ask you for your phone number an OTP will be sent then type your name & email address. Once completed we will direct you to stripe, this is where you store your details so you can get paid for the work you have done by yourselves. If you have any problems signing up to stripe as it can get confusing, we can help you with this some more information (signing into stripe section) below. Once all is completed admin will verify your information it doesnt take long, once verified you are on the waste app as a collector and can start receiving jobs to" quote on" or take " the move it now price the choice is yours.

Please dont hesitate at any point of the signing up process to contact stuart@thewasteapp for help.

The waste app takes a 10% commission for every job. After every job, the waste app stores your jobs under "booking history" so you have a record of your jobs completed, an invoice will be generated and emailed to yourselves and stripe will pay money direct into your bank. Further details for collectors can be found on our website where you really get a walkthrough on how it all works and some important information on the


Stripe will ask you some questions for the industry we are in use "other transport services" to check your stripe information ("verification summary screen"), click update to add missing information then click update to make sure it changes from "pending verification" to "more information required now" click update to upload your proofs id, proof of address, once uploaded and completed click" done "as we say any problems with stripe sign up you can email [email protected] or tel 07946066126 and I will talk you through it. It’s simple when someone can talk you through it if you get stuck. After all completed you will be returned to the waste app registration process where you will wait for admin to approve your documents.